Tuesday 27 May 2014

Episode 12: Wild And Windy

Join us for a romantic slacker kung-fu film that sports the final payback from Eoin's flea-pun travesty from episode 9, along with fun, frolics and fu of the kung variety as Blended makes an ugly appearance and improvisations go on wilder tangents than you can throw a plastic wrench at.

As mentioned at the tail end of the episode, our web pilot is nearly ready to be shown, so follow our progress on twitter and facebook.
Also, for the podcast, follow LMAMPod on twitter and facebook, and rate and review on iTunes as well, plus e-mail us your names and genre suggestions.

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Episode 11: A Voyage To The Darkside

In the latest Heist Cult Biography from the gang, best-friend Ivan Radford from Vodzilla and iFlicks adds more to the film than ever before!
Come enjoy Teeth and Teeth, well spoken Manager, Nichola and more as a magician, a subordinate and a malicious villain steal a secret agent and a diamond and try to take out a telegram office forever.

Episode 11: A Voyage To The Darkside by Let's Make A Movie Pod

So enjoy the episode, follow Ivan on twitter, us on twitter, like us on facebook, e-mail us your genre and title suggestions, rate us on iTunes, then get hyped up for our web pilot, Tales From Development HEll, by following that twitter and facebook page as well!